July 25, 2008
News for Anime Matsuri 2009:
Anime Matsuri 2009 announced
HOUSTON, TX July 25, 2008 - After a full year of research gleaned from various sources regarding what went wrong, Anime Matsuri took their mistakes to heart and hosted a star-studded sophomore convention to remember. Unhappy with merely fixing a convention, the Anime Matsuri team goes above and beyond the status quo with the announcement of Anime Matsuri 2009.
In true AM style a simple website launch did not satisfy the requirements for the celebration of Anime Matsuris third year, instead the creative team outdid themselves with a brand new www.AnimeMatsuri.com. The fully interactive website teleports users from location to location while seamlessly blending state-of-the-art graphics and animation with information and functionality.
Anime Matsuri has built a brand on their guest line-ups and this year is no different, with the wildly popular Matt Miller signed on as one of the hosts for the event; joined by the lovely Kristine Sa as AMs first musical guest. The anticipation builds as AM promises more news to come in the following months, including the announcement of the highly secretive Main Event artist.
Anime Matsuri is an annual three day convention held in Houston, Texas. Anime Matsuri sets out to give guests, anime and game fans alike, a new experience in celebrating Japanese culture and anime festivities.
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