Press Releases

November 18, 2006

News for Otakuthon 2007:

Otakuthon 2007 dates announced

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA - Otakuthon, Montreal's fan-run anime convention, will host its 2nd edition at Concordia University's downtown campus in the Henry F. Hall building, August 4 and 5, 2007. Admission is free, but a 10 $ donation is highly appreciated to help our con offer the best to you!

Otakuthon 2006 was a huge success thanks to all of you, and with your support, we can make Otakuthon 2007 another fun-filled event. We're still looking for volunteers and panelists, so if you live in the Greater Montreal area and want to help us, please check out available positions at or email us your resume at