John Skipp

Los Angeles, CA, USA

John Skipp is a New York Times bestselling author, editor, film director, zombie godfather, compulsive collaborator, musical pornographer, black-humored optimist and all-around Renaissance mutant. His early novels from the 1980s and 90s pioneered the graphic, subversive, high-energy form known as splatterpunk. His anthology Book of the Dead was the beginning of modern post-Romero zombie literature. His work ranges from hardcore horror to whacked-out Bizarro to scathing social satire, all brought together with his trademark cinematic pace and intimate, unflinching, unmistakable voice. From young agitator to hilarious elder statesman, Skipp remains one of genre fiction's most colorful characters. Some of John's works: DON'T PUSH THE BUTTON (Clash Books), THE BIZARRO ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FILM, VOL. 1 (Fungasm Press), THE ART OF HORRIBLE PEOPLE (Lazy Fascist Press), VIDEO PALACE (Simon & Schuster), plus one episode of CREEPSHOW (Shudder), short film called DOPPELBANGER (Fungasm Films) as writer/producer/ director/composer, one music video called NOTHING IS WRONG and two albums of original music called CRY ME A RAINBOW and THE ANTIDOTE TO FEAR (Fungasm Records). Among others.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- Fan Expo Portland 2023 - February 17-19, 2023 in Portland, OR, USA