Willie "Dills" Gregory

San Francisco, CA, USA

Willie Dills is a prominent gaming podcaster and part of the Frogpants and Amovetv networks. He is the cohost of The Instance, the #1 World of Warcraft podcast as well as The Angry Chicken, which is the #1 Hearthstone podcast. Both shows are consistently in the top 10 of the iTunes gaming charts with a combined total of over 100k downloads per episode. Willie is also a former touring musician having been in several punk rock bands and has a broadcasting degree from San Francisco State's prestigious BECA program. You can also find him streaming on Twitch.tv quite often or in the press box at San Francisco Giants games. You can keep up with everything Willie is up to on Twitter @williedills.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- Kraken Con Spring 2015 - April 25-26, 2015 in Oakland, CA, USA
View Willie "Dills" Gregory on FanCons.com for 4 additional guest appearances