Kristin Looney

Business Czar
Looney Labs
College Park, MD, USA

Kristin spent her first 15 years after college working as an Electronics Engineer at NASA and an IT Manager in the aerospace industry - while running a little part-time game business on the side in her spare time. In early 1999 she jumped off the cliff, leaving her day job behind to work full-time running and growing Looney Labs.The games of Looney Labs are available worldwide, in large part due to Kristin's business and marketing savvy. Kristin fosters the large community of fans known as "Looney Labs Game Technicians" who are spreading the word of Looney Labs far and wide. Kristin's earliest claim to fame came at age 16 when she solved a Rubik's Cube in 35.50 seconds on That's Incredible, and her enthusiasm for puzzles and games is still going strong.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- MidSouthCon 2024 - March 22-24, 2024 in Olive Branch, MS, USA
MidSouthCon 2022 - March 25-27, 2022 in Memphis, TN, USACancelled AppearanceMidSouthCon 2020 - March 20-22, 2020 in Memphis, TN, USAConvention Cancelled- Pensacon 2019 - February 22-24, 2019 in Pensacola, FL, USA
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