Sean McGuinness

Web Comic Creator
Twisted Kaiju Theater
Columbia, SC, USA

Twisted Kaiju Theater went online August 11, 2000. Honoring, spoofing and lampooning Asian Cinematic Monsters such as Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Cloverfield, and the American Godzilla, it has become a
corner of the interwebs known for its vinyl flavor of infamy. The site is produced in Columbia, South Carolina. When you're ready to have your inner child be touched inappropriately,
Twisted Kaiju Theater will be waiting for you, armed with candy. You have been warned.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- NashiCon 2015 - April 17-19, 2015 in Columbia, SC, USA
- NashiCon 2014 - April 19-20, 2014 in Columbia, SC, USA
- NashiCon 2013 - April 13-14, 2013 in Columbia, SC, USA
- Banzaicon 2012 - October 12-14, 2012 in Columbia, SC, USA
- NashiCon 2012 - March 31 - April 1, 2012 in Columbia, SC, USA
- NashiCon 2011 - March 19-20, 2011 in Columbia, SC, USA
- NashiCon 2010 - April 17-18, 2010 in Columbia, SC, USA
View Sean McGuinness on for 3 additional guest appearances