Marie Bilodeau

Montréal, QC, Canada

Marie Bilodeau is an Ottawa-based science-fiction and fantasy author. Her latest novel, Destiny's Blood, was released in August 2010 by Dragon Moon Press, an Alberta-based publisher. Her first trilogy, Heirs of a Broken Land, is slotted to come out in second edition in 2012. Her short fiction has also appeared in several anthologies and magazines.
The native Montrealer is also a professional storyteller. Armed with a Bachelor's Degree in Religion and Culture with a minor in Archaeology from Wilfrid Laurier University, Marie mostly tells adaptations of fairy tales and myths, as well as original stories of her own creation. She's performed in multiple venues across Canada, including Ottawa's National Arts Centre.
Anime Convention Guest Appearances
- G-Anime Winter 2016 - January 22-24, 2016 in Gatineau, QC, Canada
- G-Anime Summer 2015 - July 18-19, 2015 in Gatineau, QC, Canada
- G-Anime Winter 2015 - January 23-25, 2015 in Gatineau, QC, Canada
- G-Anime 2014 - January 24-26, 2014 in Gatineau, QC, Canada
- G-Anime 2012 - January 27-29, 2012 in Gatineau, QC, Canada
- G-Anime 2011 - February 5-6, 2011 in Gatineau, QC, Canada