Kabochacon 2016
October 14-15, 2016
Hope Hotel and Richard C. Holbrooke Conference Center
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, USA
Anime Convention
Dayton, Ohio's first anime convention is back for a second round! Our theme this year is music and we'll be providing a music-themed programming track alongside our usual fan/guest panels and workshops. We strive to hold a fun, family-friendly convention for attendees of all ages to enjoy.
Registration Information
Advance Rates
$25 through June 30, 2016
$30 through September 30, 2016
At-Door Rates
$35: Both Days
$35: Both Days
Kabochacon 2016 Guests
- Rachael Messer - Actor
- Michelle "Mogchelle" Mussoni - Cosplayer
- Super Guitar Bros. - Band
Kabochacon 2016 Reports and Photos
- No reports found.
Previous/Future Events
Kabochacon 2015 — October 23-24, 2015