Quinni-Con 2015
April 18-19, 2015 Postponed
Quinnipiac University York Hill Campus
Hamden, CT, USA
Anime Convention
I hope you are just excited about Quinni-Con as we are! Unfortunately, I have some bad news. Due to a number of circumstances and barriers beyond our control, including issues with the availability of our venue, The Quinni-Con staff and I have decided to postpone Quinni-Con until 2016. If planning keeps going the way it is now, we feel that the 2015 convention will not be up to par with the standards set by previous years, and that is not what we want. My staff and I want to put on a convention that can live up to the expectations of all of our wonderful guests and attendees. The Quinni-Con committee and I are extremely sorry, and we know this is not the news you all wanted to hear; however, after much discussion, we have decided that this is the best course of action to take. During this time, we will be actively planning and training our new staff to prepare for an even bigger convention in 2016; and plans are already in action! Once again, we are very sorry. We hope you understand our decision and will be on board for Quinni-Con 2016! Stay tuned for special news and updates for a bigger and better Quinni-Con 2016!
Previous/Future Events
Quinni-Con 2013 — April 20-21, 2013
Quinni-Con 2012 — April 28-29, 2012