Anime California 2018
August 17-19, 2018
Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport
Burbank, CA, USA
Anime Convention with Video Gaming programming
This Anime California is operated by a different team. This Anime California is not affiliated with the previous Anime California or its company, which has suspended operations. This Anime California is not responsible for damages or liabilities associated with the previous Anime California and its previous operators.
Registration Information
Advance Rates
$37.84 through May 29, 2018
$40 + fee through June 15, 2018
$45 + fee through July 15, 2018
$53.55 through August 17, 2018
At-Door Rates
$55: All 3 Days
$55: All 3 Days
Anime California 2018 Guests
- Morgan Berry - Actor
- Sarah Blandy - Actor
- Mary Claypool - Writer
- Les E. Claypool III - Owner / Audio Engineer - Magnitude B Post
- D-Piddy - Cosplayer
- Kohei Hattori - Singer
- Danielle McRae - Actor
- Max Mittelman - Voice Actor
- Stephanie Nadolny - Actor
- Joe Ochman - Actor
- Jason Paige - Actor / Musician
- Rikki Simons - Artist / Actor - Studio Tavicat
- Chris Tergliafera - Actor
- TiA - Singer
- Ezra Weisz - Actor
- Tavisha Wolfgarth-Simons - Artist - Studio Tavicat
Anime California 2018 Reports and Photos
- No reports found.