
September 19, 2011

Help Anime Detour Help Greg Ayres

by Elizabeth O'Malley
From Anime Detour

Greg Ayres can be seen at several anime conventions every year. He loves his fans and the community. He can be found sitting on many panels, signing countless autographs, and DJing at dances. Now, Greg needs your help.

When Greg was the victim of an assault when he was younger, it left his teeth broken and took expensive dental work to create what was only a temporary solution. Unfortunately, Greg's dental bridge has recently fallen out and that means that he cannot voice act. A complete rebuild of his dental bridge is the only option now, and it is extremely expensive.

Despite what you may have heard, voice actors don't make a lot of money and most don't have health or dental insurance. They do it because they love their craft, the characters the voice, and their fans. Many have other jobs in addition to voice acting.

Anime Detour and their parent company, Anime Twin Cities, Inc., have set up a donation drive to help fund Greg's dental work. Anime Twin Cities, Inc. will be matching funds for the first $5,000 donated to their community fund, from which they will donate the money to Greg's dental work. That means they only need donations up to $5,000 to reach their goal of $10,000. However, consider donating even if that goal is reached. Other members of the community will someday be in need, and Anime Twin Cities, Inc. wants to grow this fund so they will be able to help others the community if they need it.

Even if it's only $10, $5, or $1, any donation will help. Share this with your friends and tell all who have loved anime about a person in need. And, most of all, donate - visit Anime Detour's website for more information.

UPDATE: As of September 20th, $5,960 has been raised. With $5000 matched from Anime Twin Cities, this means the fundraising goal has been reached!